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For people who live in areas prone to coastal flooding or areas waterlogged during the monsoon season, such as the southern riverine areas of Bangladesh, it is impossible to grow crops. The floating garden is a clever solution that employs the use of water hyacinth, which is collected to construct a raft. This is then covered with dirt, cow dung and compost in which vegetables can be planted. A new raft needs to be built every year, but the old one can be used as fertilizer during the dry season. The rafts are made from hyacinth, which is locally available. Compost is put on the surface of the raft and then the seeds planted into them. The rafts can be moved from place to place, therefore making it suitable for those that have temporarily or permanently lost their homes or land due to coastal flooding. This work tries to take an observant outlook to the various entities that come into play and proposes additional attributes in regards to the global context of coastal flooding by scaling up the effeort. through various interdisciplinary course of action

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