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Diagram 03

Depicts the 3 way buffer system as the artificial floating garden acts as 1. Natural habitation, 2.Filtration System (through phytoremediation and bioremediation) and 3. Wave attenuation system


Phytoremediation relies upon plants removing unwanted nutrients from their environment through their dependence upon both macro and micronutrients as a food source. As water passes through the network of hanging roots underneath the floating island, nutrients and pollutants in the water are removed by the plant roots.


Plant roots also provide ideal surface area for microbes to live and thrive. Therefore, as plants grow, extending their roots through the matrix deep into the water column, naturally occurring organisms also attach to the plant roots where they are able to break down unwanted pollutants. A microbial habitat is created as more microbes colonize the islands and plant roots.


 (3 Way Buffer)

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